Featured image of the post Replicate Bioscience unveils promising clinical progress on self-amplifying RNA at ASGCT annual meeting.

Replicate Bioscience unveils promising clinical progress on self-amplifying RNA at ASGCT annual meeting

SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, France – May 13, 2024 │ KnowMade actively follows therapeutic mRNA news for its Therapeutic mRNA patent monitor service! What’s new today? REPLICATE BIOSCIENCE develops novel self-amplifying RNA (or self-replicating or srRNA) technology for use across a range of application (i.e., infectious disease, oncology, or autoimmune disease). This clinical-stage company was already identified[…]

Featured image of our press release upon Q4 2023 patent monitor.

Q4 2023 Therapeutic mRNA patent monitor report: IP dynamic overview

SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, France – January 22, 2024 │ The quarterly report for the Q4 2023 Therapeutic mRNA patent monitor is now available! This report covers all aspects of mRNA design, delivery, manufacturing, storing, mRNA-based vaccines, and mRNA-based therapeutics. What’s new this quarter? Q4 2023 IP Activity overview The IP activity during Q4 2023 is consistent[…]

Featured image of the article A look back at mRNA patenting activity for 2023.

A look back at mRNA patenting activity for 2023

SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, France – January 16, 2024 │ The last quarterly report for the 2023 Therapeutic mRNA patent monitor is now available! This report covers all aspects of mRNA design, delivery, manufacturing, storing, mRNA-based vaccines, and mRNA-based therapeutics. As we leave behind another year, we look back on the mRNA therapeutic patenting activity! Q4 2023[…]

mRNA Competitive landscape monitoring: A patent perspective – Poster

SOPHIA ANTIPOLIS, France – November 15, 2023 │ KnowMade’s Therapeutic mRNA Patent Monitor was presented at the 11th mRNA health conference in Berlin (October 31 to November 2, 2023) through the poster N°49 (High resolution PDF download here). Abstract Therapeutic mRNA, which became widely known as vaccine against COVID-19, are expected to be applicated to[…]